Applications/Uses of the software
Track attendance for your reporting and record-keeping requirements
Today, more than ever before, businesses deal with thousands of regulations, laws and policies surrounding the attendance at mandatory or voluntary classes, events or training sessions. The "pen and paper sign-in sheet" procedure is error-prone, inaccurate in most cases, always expensive to manage and can cause a great deal of stress. Event-Attendance Pro is an easy to use desktop software that utilizes Barcodes or RFID identity validation for attendance capture at your events or any meets. It is the solution to track attendance for your reporting or record-keeping requirements.
Fire Company
A Fire Company in New Jersey uses the software to track attendance for their drills and safety training classes. With the help of
a desktop RFID reader, they use their existing key fobs to identify volunteers or employees at their events. They issue
receipts as proof of attendance.
- Laptop computer with Event-Attendance Pro installed
- RFID Reader
- Key Fobs
- Epson Receipt Printer

Lighting Solutions Provider
A global and leading lighting solutions provider for both indoor and outdoor applications uses Event-Attendance Pro to capture attendance for
their training and safety classes (OSHA compliance). They create custom tags and segment their employees accordingly for their events - allowing them
to monitor who attended and who did NOT attend. The software accurately provides information on events each and every employee attended. They use their existing HID badges to authenticate their employees.
- Laptop computer with Event-Attendance Pro installed
- RFID Reader
- Prox Badges

Packaging Company
As part their Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) program, a Packaging Company in the Midwest uses Event-Attendance Pro to digitally
track attendance at their safety training classes. They used to utilize the old pen and paper sign-in sheets but found that they needed
a more robust solution for their record-keeping requirements under OSHA.
- Laptop computer with Event-Attendance Pro installed
- Barcode Reader
- ID Badges with Barcode

Gun Club
A Gun Club (shooting enthusiasts) in the East coast holds monthly member club meetings. They use Event-Attendance Pro to capture attendance
at their regular and special meetings. Their members are issued RFID enabled badges and use these to validate identify
using the software. They then extract information directly from Event-Attendance Pro database and post the data to the web
so all their members can have access to them.
- Laptop computer with Event-Attendance Pro installed
- RFID Reader
- ID Badges
- Epson Receipt Printer

A healthcare facility employs Event-Attendance Pro for attendance tracking in their staff training and meetings. They tap their
proximity cards on a RFID desktop reader that is connected to a laptop where the software is installed. Real-time attendance is
captured accurately, and reports are generated and downloaded to excel.
- Laptop computer with Event-Attendance Pro installed
- RFID Reader
- ID Badges